[ET Net News Agency, 13 February 2025] 3 companies registered block trading at the
pre-opening session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
AIA (01299) 3 block trades of HK$51.7 to HK$51.722 HK$238.6m
4.61 million shares (+0.000001% to +0.04%)
PRADA (01913) A block trade of HK$64.144 HK$110.85m
1.73 million shares (+0.22%)
HAIDILAO (06862) A block trade of HK$15.248 HK$45.07m
2.96 million shares (-0.6%)
Meanwhile, another pre-opening trade of 829,800 shares of AIA was registered at 9:01am
at HK$51.993 per share, 0.6% higher than previous close, with the total amount of
HK$43.14m. In addition, a pre-opening trade of 600,000 shares of AIA was registered at
9:00am at HK$51.722 per share, less than 0.1% higher than previous close, with the total
amount of HK$31.03m.
The 5 pre-opening trades amounted to 6.04 million shares of HK$312.78m.(rw)