Summary of listed companies announcements (1)
Code Company Summary
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Oth
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting / Dividend or Di
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Iss
ue of Securities and Related Matters)
00011 HANG SENG BANK Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
00019 SWIRE PACIFIC A Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00019 SWIRE PACIFIC A Announcements and Notices - (Other - Trading Update)
00019 SWIRE PACIFIC A Announcements and Notices - (Profit Warning / Results of a Subsidia
ry / Inside Information)
00022 MEXAN Announcements and Notices - (Dividend or Distribution (Announcement
00022 MEXAN Announcements and Notices - (Connected Transaction / Dividend or Di
stribution / Very Substantial Acquisition / Very Substantial Dispos
00037 FE HOTELS Announcements and Notices - (Non-compliance with INED Requirements
or INED Failing to Meet Independence Guidelines)
00038 FIRST TRACTOR Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
00038 FIRST TRACTOR Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Boa
rd/Supervisory Board Resolutions)
00038 FIRST TRACTOR Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Cor
porate Governance Related Matters)
00038 FIRST TRACTOR Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities / Results of EGM/SGM)
00064 GET NICE Circulars - (Document issued by Offeror Company under the Takeovers
00087 SWIRE PACIFIC B Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00087 SWIRE PACIFIC B Announcements and Notices - (Other - Trading Update)
00087 SWIRE PACIFIC B Announcements and Notices - (Profit Warning / Results of a Subsidia
ry / Inside Information)
00157 NATURAL BEAUTY Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
00159 BROCKMAN MINING Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
00160 HON KWOK LAND Announcements and Notices - (Discloseable Transaction)
00191 LAI SUN INT'L Announcements and Notices - (Change in a Director's or Supervisor's
Biographical Details)
00213 NATIONAL ELEC H Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00216 CHINNEY INV Announcements and Notices - (Discloseable Transaction)
00223 ELIFE HLDGS Circulars - (Document issued by Offeree Company under the Takeovers
00223 ELIFE HLDGS Announcements and Notices - (Announcement by Offeree Company under
the Takeovers Code / Suspension)
00267 CITIC Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Oth
00274 RA SILK ROAD Announcements and Notices - (Issue of Shares under a General Mandat
00314 SIPAI HEALTH Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00323 MAANSHAN IRON Circulars
00323 MAANSHAN IRON Announcements and Notices - (Notice of EGM/SGM / Closure of Books o
r Change of Book Closure Period)
00338 SHANGHAI PECHEM Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00352 FORTUNE SUN Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
00362 C ZENITH CHEM Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
# in ascending order of company codes, for further information, please visit HKEx news