[ET Net News Agency, 17 March 2025] HKEX (00388) rose 2.9% to HK$364.6.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$365.6, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of
HK$361.4. The total shares traded was 3.5 million, with a value of HK$1.27b. The active
buy/sell ratio is 52:48, with net buying turnover of HK$42.31m. J.P. MORGAN BRO (HK)
accounts for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$114.49m, with volume weighted
average price of HK$363.487. FUTU SEC INT'L accounts for greatest net responsive selling
turnover of HK$25.11m, with volume weighted average price of HK$363.581. The stock has
risen a combined 5.9% over the past 2 consecutive trading days.
RMB counter of HKEX (80388) rose 2.8% to RMB339.2. It hits an intra-day high of
RMB339.2, and an intra-day low of RMB336.8. The total shares traded was 26,400, with a
value of RMB8.93m.
The Hang Seng Index now rose 215 points, or 0.9% to 24,175.
Basic Information
Nominal 364.600 % Chg +2.94%
High 365.600 Low 361.400
Shares Tr 3.5m Turnover 1.27b
10-D SMA 349.600 %H.V 46.981
20-D SMA 345.540 VWAP 363.629
50-D SMA 315.428 RSI14 63.416
Status: Hitting an 1-month high, active buy/sell ratio is 52:48, with net buying turnover
of HK$42.31m, rising a combined 5.9% over the past 2 consecutive trading days
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
HKEX (00388) 364.60 +2.94
HSBC HOLDINGS (00005) 87.95 +2.93
TENCENT (00700) 525.00 +0.67
BYD COMPANY (01211) 389.80 +1.04
AIA (01299) 63.55 +3.76
XIAOMI-W (01810) 54.10 +0.46
PING AN (02318) 49.60 +0.92
MEITUAN-W (03690) 175.90 +1.44
BABA-W (09988) 136.60 +0.59
HKEX-R (80388) RMB339.20 +2.79